All trespassers will be rigorously and lawfully dealt with under English law.
[Common law] These premises are now under English law [Common law]
All acts, statutes, and maritime law being suspended until further notice.
It now being apparent and beyond all reasonable doubt that those sworn under penalty of perjury to protect our country, it’s people and it’s customs and traditions are being obstructed in performing their duties, by the doers of evil and wickedness, mercenaries and pirates operating for profit and control.
Please notice and be aware of these maxims in law; those who do not know their rights have none and all acts, statutes instruments and bylaws ARE-NOT-LAW they can only be given the force of law with consent.
This obviously includes the 1984 corona virus act deviously rushed through parliament because of a so-called emergency without there being any factual scientific evidence offered to support or substantiate any so-called emergency. Indeed there has still been no factual scientific evidence to support or substantiate that claim. There have only been opinions and hearsay parroted by known liars and renegade run for profit corporations, trusts and foundations.
Therefore as an Englishman/woman still loyal to this country and to the office of the Queen and to all those who fought to protect our freedom against all enemies that sought to deny us those freedoms, I am now honour bound to withdraw my consent, implied or otherwise until such time as the 1984 Corona virus act and all subsequent legislation derived from that act has been rescinded annulled, cancelled and made entirely void.
This includes but is not limited to all so-called lockdowns and/or all other restrictive legislation that seeks to deny the people of this country their lawful right to go about their lawful business without let or hindrance.
Please notice that,
All agents and individuals in receipt of bribe or salary paid to them by run for Profit Corporations, so-called trusts or foundations seeking to commit unsolicited trespass against mind, body, soul, family or property will be identifying themselves as collaborators and/or enemy combatants engaged in waging a war against not only this country but also its many diverse peoples and the office of the Queen.
God save the Queen.
All trespassers will be rigorously and lawfully dealt with under English law.
[Common law] These premises are now under English law [Common law]
All acts, statutes, and maritime law now being suspended until further notice.
It now being apparent and beyond all reasonable doubt that those sworn under penalty of perjury to protect our country, it’s people and it’s customs and traditions are being obstructed in performing their duties, by the doers of evil and wickedness, mercenaries and pirates operating for profit and control.
Please notice and be aware of these maxims in law; those who do not know their rights have none and all acts, statutes instruments and bylaws ARE-NOT-LAW they can only be given the force of law with consent.
This obviously includes the 1984 corona virus act deviously rushed through parliament because of a so-called emergency without there being any factual scientific evidence offered to support or substantiate that so-called emergency. Indeed there still has been no factual scientific evidence to support or substantiate that claim. There have only been opinions and hearsay parroted by known liars and renegade run for profit corporations, trusts and foundations.
Therefore as an Englishman/woman still loyal to this country and to the office of the Queen and to all those who fought to protect our freedom against all enemies that sought to deny us those freedoms, I am now honour bound to withdraw my consent, implied or otherwise until such time as the 1984 Corona virus act and all subsequent legislation derived from that act has been rescinded annulled, cancelled and made entirely void.
This includes but is not limited to all so-called lockdowns and/or all other restrictive legislation that seeks to deny the people of this country their lawful right to go about their lawful business without let or hindrance.
Please notice that,
All agents and individuals in receipt of bribe or salary paid to them by run for Profit Corporations, so-called trusts or foundations seeking to commit unsolicited trespass against mind, body, soul, family or property will be identifying themselves as collaborators and/or enemy combatants engaged in waging a war against not only this country but also its many diverse peoples and the office of the Queen.
God save the Queen.