An interesting look at history and the crown. Ring of Power I and II are must see documentaries that open your mind to much that
An interesting look at history and the crown. Ring of Power I and II are must see documentaries that open your mind to much that
In a historic final interview, filmmaker and music promoter Aaron Russo goes in depth on the insider-knowledge given to him by a member of the
Everything that we shared and showed inside was a personal opinion, as we all have freedom of speech and expression. Anything said in this video
U.k. government has admitted to spraying British public with deadly toxins. Guardian Article dated Sun 21 April 2020 Millions were in germ war tests. Much
Former CIA employee Mary Embree discusses the infamous heart attack gun. The weapon was first made public during the Church Committee hearings in 1975. Very
The official story of 9/11 is a lie. Six of the 10 members of the 9/11 Commission said the final report is a whitewash. Given
The ‘Elite’ families have a plan to cull the human population as admitted to by a client of Dr. Rima Laibow M.D.
Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and the actual numbers. The
Globalists and Eco-Warriors tout the “surplus population”, as Ebeneizer Scrooge once put it, as the end all cause of our miseries here on earth. Watch
The Secret Covenant of the Jewish Secret Society Known As the Order of the Illuminati: as Read on Dallas Debt Discussion by Tad on 9-6-2010
This clip is from QI Series G, Episode 11, ‘Gifts’ with Stephen Fry, Alan Davies, Clive Anderson, Jimmy Carr and Jan Ravens.
Lord Monckton explains the ideas involved with making Agenda 21 the UN process that removes the rights and management or the worlds resources and freedoms.
Interview on Red Ice Creations – June 8th 2008 Rik Clay was a researcher of the New World Order and their occult practices. He created
Hitler received training at the Tavistock Institute in London. In this 6 part series Greg Hallett explains the workings of the global family network of
Hitler received training at the Tavistock Institute in London. In this 6 part series Greg Hallett explains the workings of the global family network of
Hitler received training at the Tavistock Institute in London. In this 6 part series Greg Hallett explains the workings of the global family network of
Hitler received training at the Tavistock Institute in London. In this 6 part series Greg Hallett explains the workings of the global family network of
Hitler received training at the Tavistock Institute in London. In this 6 part series Greg Hallett explains the workings of the global family network of
Hitler received training at the Tavistock Institute in London. In this 6 part series Greg Hallett explains the workings of the global family network of
For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning. Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the
Sgt. Clifford Stone of the US Army at the White House Press Club (1st ‘Disclosure Meeting’), explains how 57 varieties of alien beings had been
Grey Aliens KGB leak (Skinny Bob) the alien was sead to have been moved to area 51 at some point all thanks go to the
Paul Hellyer former Minister of Defense of Canada speaks about his knowledge on aliens.
Thanks for watching. PLEASE NOTE : Unfortunately, to our knowledge Dr. Peterson is not making his devices available for the general public at this time.
Project Camelot interviews Dr Pete Peterson – part 2 of 3 Thanks for watching. Unfortunately, to our knowledge Dr. Peterson is not making his devices
Project Camelot interviews Dr Pete Peterson – part 3 of 3 Thanks for watching. Unfortunately, to our knowledge Dr. Peterson is not making his devices
Ground breaking whistleblower, Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolen III USAF (dav) Special Forces/Blk Ops along with Klan Mother Karen Ann Macdonald join me today as we
Ground breaking whistleblower from Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolan III. Daniel is doing this to quote ” help others to escape this prison to begin new
Jim Marrs is our guest and we have a conversation covering all of the current events including the election, puppet masters, Syria, Iran, ISIS, UFOs
Intro narrator: Mindseye Mike This documentary explores the phenomenon of the “Reptilians” from a different point of view than most. The film makers attempt to
The Granada Forum, October 31, 1996. Intro Mark Phillips and Cathy O’Brien.
Military insider Bob Dean breaks his sworn “National Security” oaths, to pry the lid on our cosmic connections. Includes a slide show and video footage.
Max and Sarah in England continues. Sarah last spoke formally to the Bases project at the Super Soldier Summit II, near Las Vegas in 2013.
Max and Sarah in England continues with Max giving a highly detailed and analytical insight into the Committee of 300 and the ruling elite, with
Sarah continues her BASES 37 interviews, while in England. This time from Well Cottage, Wiltshire. This is her 2nd of 3.
In a highly controversial and intentionally hostile approach in this interview, Max Spiers discusses the Music Industry ,and its now publicly known satanic and ritual;
Max Spiers July 2014 interview, in one part. Pay attention this time.Crucially Max states certain things which the now arrested James Casbolt says in his
John Lear Tells All Part 1 of 4 A Project Camelot interview Las Vegas, April 2008. Some of you may be asking why so many
John Lear Tells All Part 2 of 4 A Project Camelot interview Las Vegas, April 2008. Some of you may be asking why so many
John Lear Tells All Part 3 of 4 A Project Camelot interview Las Vegas, April 2008. Some of you may be asking why so many
John Lear Tells All Part 4 of 4 A Project Camelot interview Las Vegas, April 2008. Some of you may be asking why so many
A video interview with Dan Burisch, Las Vegas, July 2006 In this unique interview, Dan is entertaining, humorous, serious, emotional, articulate and sincere, as he
We will be discussing Jason’s contact and time travel experiences as well as the death of his co-writer, ufo researcher, Bob Mitchell and their book:
Since its inception, Project Camelot has become a leader in the area of whistleblower testimony by providing filmed interviews, shot guerrilla style, on location, with
Doc Ram Turned Navy SEALs Into Supersoldiers… And He Has Instructions for you. Imagine that the dollar has already collapsed, but your life goes on
First Full interview with Michael Prince, aka James Casbolt. See the new 4 part 2011 edition BASES 9. Available as a DVD for complete version.James
In this 1st Videointerview in 6 years James Casbolt tells of the SS Nazi connection with the creation of Cyborgized Human babies for use as
In part 2 of 4, of this major interview with Michael Prince aka James Casbolt, we deal with his Active Service duties, and how some
This 3rd of 4 from of this major interview with Michael Prince aka James Casbolt, he discusses is gaurdian or foster type mother, and early
In this final and 4th part of Bases 9, (See 2nd edition for much more on Nazi and soul splicing and Bentwaters Greys) we involve
Illuminati Bloodlines Exposed w/ Gary Wayne & David Carrico on NYSTV Join us as we trace back Biblical evidence for surviving giants, establishment of their
Kay Griggs, former Marine colonel’s wife, talks about military assassin squads, drug running, illegal weapon deals and sexual perversion deep within the highest levels of
Svali is interviewed on the ArcticBeacon’s Greg Szymanski radio program 2006. This audio has two separate interviews of Svali, both from the same day.
Discretion Advised. Svali is an American woman born into an Illuminati bloodline. At the age of 12 she was taken to the Vatican for a
This is a few short clips from Svali’s only known interview for a show called “Conspiracies: Satanic Panic” made in the UK in 2001. For
9/11 Exposed – Documentary from 2015, though regularly removed or blocked in certain countries. Usually put up again fairly swiftly, though download or note the
Watch the attached playlist for a full exposé of the events of 911, including significant information which shines new and amazing light on the cover
This documentary film chronicles how men of power and influence have worked in stealth for centuries to establish an oppressive world government. Learn how this
The Anatomy of a Great Deception is a quasi-political, spiritual docu-thriller following businessman-turned-filmmaker, David Hooper as he deals with the emotions of his own investigation
Dr. J interviewes John Lear live. Secret Space Program, Dulce Base New Mexico, other underground military bases and much more.
Lou Baldin, known in many internet forums as “Sleeper” has been one of the most enigmatic personalities surrounding the UFO topic in latter years. After
Disclosure Project Top Secret military witnesses, Dan Willis and Clifford Stone joined Truth Connections to discuss their 1st hand experience and the many facets of
A dynamic discussion on healing solutions aimed to empower during a time of hyper-dimensional warfare. We pierce the veil, through the hall of mirrors, into
Mk Ultra is a mind control program that they use on people.When their programming breaks down, you can see their effects.MK Ultra splits your personality
Mirrored from Freeman Fly. From ancient goddesses to Lady Gaga, culture creation is the method of rulers to keep children fighting wars, and tricking them
Hollywood Unmasked 2 Full Documentary. This will change the way you look at films and actors. The history of actors and acting, and the tradition
Mark Devlin joins us to discuss the “state” of music (or the musical state): Satanism, Freemasonry, subliminals, reverse masking, and the culture of death. Mark
Tonight my very special guest is Mark Devlin. Mark is a UK-based club and radio DJ and music journalist and has played live in over
A physical and intellectual journey, a worldwide exploration looking for the ancient ruins of a lost civilization, this video follows clues in ancient scriptures and
Gerald Clark, covers the Anunnaki, Enki, Enlil,Yahweh Jesus, Lucifer, Marduk, Bloodlines and more about our history, in this 2017 talk.
450,000 years ago, Prince Marduk, in line to be the next king of Nibiru found himself displaced and exiled to Earth with his father Enki,
CCN’s Mel Ve talks about the Africa’s Kalahari Atlantean civilization & the technology that fed 6 billion people. Interview by Alfred Lambremont Webre.
Phil Schneider, Dulce Incident, UFO, Grey Alien, Underground, Base, Conspiracy, Agenda Alien Firefight At Secret Military Base Reexamined – The Real Story of the Alien
Hollywood director Russo goes in-depth for first time on the astounding admissions of Nick Rockefeller, including his prediction of 9/11 and the war on terror
This 10 part series was originally created and uploaded by Truth Messenger, it has been combined into one full length video, but all of the
Fritz Springmeier gives inside knowledge of the Illuminati.
Audio book of Fritz Springmeier’s BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI. Learn what the elite don’t want you to know! Illuminati Bloodline Families: 1. The Astor Bloodline
Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada reveals ufo 3rd of May 2013. Each one of us is here during these pressing times in
Rima E. Laibow, M.D. is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation. She is a graduate of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970) who
Sergeant Clifford Stone, US Army. Sergeant Stone tells an amazing story about the history of UFO’s and extraterrestrials dating back to the early 40’s and
A look into the bloody and sadistic history of the royal bloodlines of Europe.
An excellent look at all the privately owned central banks and how they operate. A short link that is a must see in order to
Ring of Power documentary film. A look at history that will change your outlook on the world forever. A must see and most powerful documentary,
Illuminati, NWO, Freemasons, Skull, Bones, CFR, Bilderberg, newworldorder, Satanists, Nazi, endtimes, populationreduction, populationcontrol and much more.
CIA Whistleblower talks about the Heart Attack Gun. A gun delivers poison on a dart to cause a heart attack, it enters the body without
Michael Tsarion’s Age of Manipulation is an outstanding mind opener and inm.tv suggests viewing all work done by this amazing researcher.
Jim Marrs, author of “Rule by Secrecy”, informs us of the Hidden History and conspiracies that myriad organizations beginning in ancient Sumer and Egypt, to
Nick Kollerstrom has done a lunar-gardening calendar for thirty years, based on the Bio-dynamic system of farming. He covers different areas of the Earth-Moon system,
Lucifer means Light-Bringer or the morning star, and is a Latin name for the planet Venus in its morning appearances, often used for mythological and
This is the footage to my presentation at the Keep Talking group in London, delivered alongside Dr. Nick Kollerstrom on 7th February 2019, examining the
SIRIUS: from Dr. Steven Greer – Original Full-Length Documentary Film The Earth has been visited by advanced Inter-Stellar Civilizations that can travel through other dimensions
She accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior when she was just 3 years old. Shortly thereafter, Jessie Czebotar was indoctrinated into a Satanic
She accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior when she was just 3 years old. Shortly thereafter, she was indoctrinated into a Satanic Cult
She accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior when she was just 3 years old. Shortly thereafter, she was indoctrinated into a Satanic Cult
FEMA head came to Australia last year to give instructions to build the detention camps suitable to take Australians who reject the UN global government
The Madeleine McCann disappearance has become one of the most enduring mysteries of our time. It has generated thousands of front page headlines in the
Madeleine Beth McCann (born 12 May 2003) disappeared on the evening of 3 May 2007 from her bed in a holiday apartment at a resort
IMPACT NEWS MEDIA covers new technology, latest science discoveries, earth’s history, self sufficiency, innovative farming, hidden truths and up to the minute news reports from around the world.